Breed Health

Australian Cobberdog (Breed in Development)
The Australian Cobberdog has had the advantage of a core group of foundation breeders who have had as their primary focus the health and temperament of the dogs whilst striving toward their long-term vision for the breed.
With our 21st Century advanced science and systems in communication and transportation this breed in development has had many advantages over the foundation breeders of past years who developed current recognised breeds.
The founders of this breed made many hard decisions to ensure the health, predictability of temperament, characteristics and management requirements of their breed have been optimised. They terminated bloodlines and discarded expensively purchased breeding stock if they were shown to produce unsound progeny. They have been able to eliminate and avoid many potential problems in the dogs they produce to limit the risks of the health of the dogs and the breed being compromised either now or into the future. Any dog which is not registered in the MDBA Stud Registry must go through the approval process for inclusion into the gene pool from the 1st of January 2016. Breeders should not presume that any dog that is not already in the Australian Cobberdog gene pool will be automatically accepted as eligible for infusion.

The MDBA has an open stud book and to ensure that our registry is transparent and protects the integrity and health of this breed we have introduced mandatory and recommended registration requirements. These requirements were developed in association with the Australian Cobberdog Breed Advisory Committee and all MDBA Australian Cobberdog breeders .

Mandatory Health Screening

Xrays with any approved reading service. eg, OFA, Penn or MDBA Radiology.



Full Vet Health Check using MDBA Criteria prior to breeding and every year there after.[This includes eyes and hearts]

DNA Health Screening for This Breed.
At least one parent should be cleared by DNA testing or by parentage for the following disorders:
• PRAprcd (Mandatory from June 2018)
• Exercise Induced Collapse (Mandatory from June 2018)
• Microphthalmia, Anophthalmia & Coloboma (Wheaten Terrier Type) ( Mandatory from January 2022)


Copper Toxicosis

Merle trait

Undercoat trait
Shedding trait
Curly coat trait
Long haired trait
Improper Coat Trait